Milstein Program Application - Current First-year Students

Application Terms

I understand that the Milstein Program Selection Committee will review my undergraduate application materials (my common application, high school transcript, Advanced Placement exam scores, and SAT/ACT scores) and first semester grades as a part of the selection process. By entering my name below, I am authorizing the Milstein Program Selection Committee to review my undergraduate application materials and my unofficial transcript reflecting my first semester grades.


Entering your name in this box authorizes the selection committee to pull your Cornell application materials and first semester transcript for review by the selection committee.

The Milstein Program encourages and cultivates intersectional thinking — say, combining music with computer science, human-centered design with philosophy, or creative writing and interactivity. You’ll enter a cohort of students looking to make an impact not just in the classroom but on the world.

Strong Milstein scholars are curious, self-directed and empathetic risk-takers. In a brief statement about why you would like to join the Milstein Program, tell us about an experience you had in one of these qualities (i.e. curiosity, empathy, risk-taking, or self-direction).  Max 300 words, shorter is preferred.

Video Submission

Please submit a short video (2 mins max, shorter is fine) answering the following question. We're looking for passion, maturity, and original thinking.

The Milstein Program fosters creativity, collaboration, and student-driven projects that invoke technology with a social, civic, or human impact. Tell us about a project you have worked on or would like to undertake. What is it? Why does it matter to you?

NOTE: Please ensure that your video file is named using the following convention: firstname.lastnameYEAR

Applications received without a video submission will not be considered.

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