Milstein Program scholars enroll in specialized courses during their time at Cornell including a First-Year Advising Seminar, a First-Year Project, and the MStudio speaker series, allowing for cohort-bonding, faculty and graduate student mentorship, and opportunities to engage in advanced research at the intersection of technology and the humanities.
STS 3940 AI and Storytelling
(Co-meets with INFO 4940 Special Topics in Information Science, topic: AI & Storytelling LEC 009)
Andrew Piper (McGill University, Milstein Program Visiting Scholar)
3 credits. Offered Spring 2025.
Interested students must apply.
This course explores what artificial intelligence (AI) can teach us about human storytelling. We'll tackle this question through a two-pronged approach: story understanding and story generation. In the first part, we'll delve into how AI and machine learning technologies have revolutionized our approach to analyzing narratives, allowing us to examine storytelling's social impacts and collective dynamics at large scale, rather than focusing narrowly on individual texts. We'll look into computational methods and concepts for modeling stories, moving beyond traditional analyses to a broader understanding of storytelling's societal effects. Course application due November 1.