Cohort Cohesion Compact

 Problem Statement

How might we create spaces to foster a Milstein Program community where students have a place to learn and thrive while also making friends throughout the cohorts?

Cohort Cohesion Compact 2022 Milstein Full Class Cohort Photo
Spring 2022 Milstein Class Cohort

Student Feedback

Due to both COVID and the Program being new and still changing, students feel a lack of cohesion not only between cohorts but also with students in their own year.  We need to create spaces to promote social, creative and community-building interactions.

Students suggested:

  • Bright Colors
  • Social Space
  • Workspace
  • Media and Photo Studio
  • Good Lighting
  • Bookshelves

Space Evolution

Milstein Room 125 Before/After Cohort Cohesion Compact
Milstein Room 125 Before/After Cohort Cohesion Compact
Cohort Cohesion Compact Milstein Room 127 Setup Options
Cohort Cohesion Compact -- Milstein Room 127 Setup Options

Milstein Students
