Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities for Milstein Students

Summer Program at Cornell Tech First-years Paid summer experience for first-year Milstein Students to take courses, attend exploratory workshops, and make connections in NYC. Interest form due April 15.
Sophomore Summer Research Stipends Sophomores Sophomores in the Milstein Program can apply for  funds of up to $2,000 for research project work to be done over the summer. Deadline: May 20
Junior Summer Research Fellowships Juniors Students who have successfully completed a Junior Project have the opportunity to apply for a summer fellowship to extend and deepen their Junior Project research (up to $7,000). Deadline: May 10 (Extended)
Externship/Junior Project Funds Juniors and Seniors Students in their Junior year or Fall of their Senior year can apply for up to $1500 for materials, travel, research, or a shadowing opportunity related to their Junior Project or a career field of their interest. Rolling deadline.
Senior Venture Prize Seniors In the Spring semester, Milstein scholars in all years are asked to nominate candidates (graduating seniors) for this new $7500 prize. Eligible Seniors apply and are notified of award at the Senior Dinner. Deadline for Seniors: April 18