Program Pathway

The Milstein Program Experience

The Milstein Program enriches all four years of the Arts & Sciences undergraduate experience -- from the First Year Project (Spring, first year) to the residency at Cornell Tech (summer after first year) to the culminating Milstein Expo (Junior year spring) and mentorship and career exploration (Senior year). Participation in the program will expose Milstein Scholars to leading researchers, creative thinkers, artists and entrepreneurs via the MStudio series, cultivate interdisciplinary thinking and research and collaboration skills through events, short courses, workshops, special funding opportunities, and student-driven original projects, and build a strong, supportive cohort of fellow Scholars excited to think, make, and work at the intersection of technology and the humanities.

Milstein pathway diagram

Program Curriculum

First Year

First-year Milstein students enroll in AS 1102: First-Year Advising Seminar (1 credit) in the Fall and AS 1111: Milstein First-Year Project (3 credits) in the Spring. During both Fall and Spring, first-years also enroll in the one credit MStudio course, AS 3113 (1 credit). First-years are responsible for attending all public MStudio events and also have the option to participate in special Skill Sessions offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

In the summer after their first year at Cornell, Milstein scholars have the option to enroll in Tech 3090 and attend the Summer at Cornell Tech program.

Summer at Cornell Tech

This eight-week, fully-supported, in-residence program encourages students to reflect collectively upon the political, social and economic implications of technology, to respond critically and creatively through emergent forms of interactive media, and to prototype new artifacts using the latest digital fabrication technologies. The program is also interleaved with experiential outings, connecting students to the vibrant life and fabric of New York City, including visits to cultural institutions and working with local groups on Roosevelt Island. Optional. 2 Credits.

Summer Program at Cornell Tech

Sophomore Year

Sophomores also enroll in the 1 credit MStudio course, AS 3113. Students are responsible for attending all public MStudio events and also have the option to participate in special Skill Sessions offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Sophomore Milstein Scholars are encouraged to take a Milstein Elective from a curated list of courses that study the social, cultural, economic, environmental, physical and psychological impact of technology and/or explore concepts of design thinking, research methods, and community engaged project work. This course selection should align with each scholar's area of interest. Optional. 3-4 Credits. (Students may petition to add a relevant course to satisfy this requirement.)

Approved Electives Faculty Fellow Courses

Junior Year

Juniors in the Milstein Program enroll in AS 3200: Milstein Junior Project for 1 credit in the Fall and for 3 credits in the Spring. This year-long independent study will deepen their understanding of the issues, topics, and technologies that interest them. What form these projects take -- research essay, video art, app development, etc. -- is up to the Scholar and their collaborators. Students may propose taking this course as an independent study in their major instead of taking AS 3200. Students may also propose working in collaborative teams with other Milstein scholars. This course culminates with the Milstein Expo in May.

Milstein Juniors also have the option to enroll in MStudio AS 3113 if they are interested in gaining access to the special Skill Sessions offered each year. Juniors are encouraged to attend MStudio events throughout the year.

Juniors in the Milstein Program are able to apply for special funding opportunities for their projects and for career development.

Junior Projects 

Senior Year

Senior Milstein Scholars are encouraged to become mentors in the program and may be asked to serve as guests in the First Year Advising Seminar and the Junior Project course; participate in a public panel on summer internships; participate in an M Studio event to reflect on the outcomes of their Junior Summer Research Fellowships. 

Seniors in the Milstein Program are able to apply for special funding opportunities for their projects and for career development.


Suggested Clubs

We encourage Milstein Program Scholars to participate in many extracurricular activities and clubs. This can often be where Milstein Program students will find projects they can join or adapt for their junior year projects. 
