Approved Course Listing

Sophomore Course Choices Available 2023-24

In their sophomore year, Milstein Scholars choose one class from this highly select group of courses across Arts & Sciences (and occasionally outside the College). These courses connect technological themes with humanities-oriented methodologies, combine praxis and theory, and showcase the excellence of Cornell faculty and the breadth of their research. 

Students may petition to add a course to this list. They may also take this course in the fall of their Junior year (but they must have taken it by the spring semester of their Junior year or their Junior Project will not move forward).

Milstein Scholars should consider this Sophomore Course as an opportunity to begin formulating a Junior Project and building a faculty-mentor relationship. 

Ethics and Consequences

INFO 1200  Information Ethics, Law, and Policy 
(CA-AS) Spring. 3 credits. Graded 
G. Vidan 

STS 2052 Disassembling Silicon Valley: A People's History of High-Tech America across Race, Gender and Empire
Distribution Category (HA-AS, HST-AS). 
Fall. 3 credits. Graded.
C. Petersen

2455 Introduction to Bioethics
(cross-listed) SHUM 2455STS 2451 
Distribution Category (ETM-AS, KCM-AS)       
Spring. 4 credits. Graded.
J. Markovitz

PSYCH 2650 - Psychology and Law
Distribution Category (SBA-AS, SSC-AS)      
Fall. 4 credits. Student option grading.
V. Hans, or J.  Rachlinski

SHUM/ENGL 3778 - Free Speech, Censorship, and the Age of Global Media
Distribution Category (ALC-AS, CA-AS) 
Fall. Spring. 4 credits. Student option grading.
R. Kalas, or Staff.

AMST 2297 Public History Lab: The History of People Setting Themselves Free From Slavery in the US
Distribution Category (HA-AS, HST-AS)     
Fall. 4 credits. Student option grading.
E. Baptist.

PSYCH 1500 Introduction to Environmental Psychology
Combined with: COGST 1500, COGST 1501, DEA 1500, DEA 1501, PSYCH 1501
Distribution Category (SBA-AS, SSC-AS)    
Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading.
G. Evans.

Design Thinking and Human-Computer Interaction

AEM 3110 Design and Innovation
Fall. Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading (no audit).
D. Ramzy.

CS 4700 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence   
Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading.
H. Hirsh

DEA 1110 - Making a Difference by Design 
(crosslisted) COGST 1111  (CU-CEL)   
Fall. 3 credits. Letter grades only.
H. Kao

FSAD 1250 - Fashion, Art and Design Thinking 
Fall. 3 credits. Student grading option.
D. Green

DEA 1150 - Design Graphics and Visualization
Spring. 4 credits. Letter grades only.
S. Yoon.

GERST 2703 Thinking Media
(crosslisted) COML 2703ENGL 2703MUSIC 2703PMA 2703 
(CA-AS, ALC-AS)   
Spring. 3 credits. Student option grading. 
E. Born

PAM 3120 - Research Design, Practice, and Policy
(SBA-HE) (CU-CEL)    
Fall. 3 credits. Letter grades only.
Prerequisite: PAM 2100 or equivalent.

ARCH 2614 Building Technology I: Materials and Methods
(CA-AS, SSC-AS)   
Fall. 3 credits. Graded.
D. Costanza

INFO 3450 - Human-Computer Interaction Design 
(crosslisted) COMM 3450 Co-meets with INFO 5355.   
Fall, Spring 4 credits. Letter grades only.
Fall: G. Leshed; Spring: Q. Yang.

Code in Culture

INFO 2950: Intro to Data Science
(MQR-AS, SDS-AS)      
Prerequisite: MATH 1710 or equivalent, CS 1110 or CS 1112, or permission of instructor. Information Science majors must complete this class prior to their senior year.
Fall. 4 credits. Letter grades only.
A. Koenecke.

INFO 3350: Text Mining History and Literature 
Co-meets with INFO 3350.      
Spring. 3 credits. Letter grades only. Intended for: students with programming experience, or permission of instructor required.
M. Wilkens

ALS 1110 Intro to Digital Agriculture
Two Saturday field trips required.  
Fall. 2 credits. Graded.
J. Giordano

LING 1170 Introduction to Cognitive Science
(crosslisted)  COGST 1101, CS 1710, HD 1102, PHIL 1620, PSYCH 1102 
(MQR-AS, SMR-AS)       
Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading.

BIOG 3500 Introduction to Applied Science Communication: Digital Platforms and Public Engagement
Course Attribute (CU-CEL)
Fall. 3 credit. Graded. 
M. Sarvary

Math 3610  "(The art & science of ) Mathematical Modeling
Prerequisite: two semesters of calculus or permission of instructor.   
Fall. 4 credits. Student option grading. 
A. Vladimirsky

AEM 3220  Digital Business Strategy
Prerequisites/Corequisites Prerequisite: AEM 2200 or ECON 1110
Fall. 3 credits. Student option grading. 
A. Leiponen

INFO 4940: Special Topics in Information Science
Co-meets vary by section.Study of topics not currently covered in INFO offerings, as determined by faculty and student interest. 

Fall, Spring. 1-4 credits, variable. Student option grading.

Digital Arts

ART 2601- Introduction to Photography
Distribution Category (ALC-AAP, LA-AAP).
Fall, Spring. Summer 4 credits. Student option grading.
D. Torop

ART 2701- MAPS: Intersections
Distribution Category (ALC-AAP, LA-AAP) Cannot be taken for B.Arch. credit.​​​​​​​.
Fall, Spring. 4 credits. Student option grading.
K.Obadike, E. Rojas

ART 2900 Shop and Tech
Distribution Category (MQR-AAP) combined with: ARCH 3702, CS 1620, ENGRI 1620.
Fall. 1 credits. S/U.
J. Hunter

ART 2907 Visual Imaging in the Electronic Age
Distribution Category (MQR-AAP) combined with: ARCH 3702, CS 1620, ENGRI 1620.
Fall or Spring. 4 credits. Graded.
D. Greenberg

