Cornell edtech startup rapStudy mixes pop songs, educational lyrics to amplify learning

Milstein Program student Reza Madhaven '22 is the Head of Tech for rapStudy, an edtech startup founded by Cornell University students which pairs popular song melodies with lyrics that help elementary and middle school students learn about anything from fractions to the scientific method. 

"I think for a long time everybody's known the power that music has to be used as an effective mnemonic device," said Drew Speckman, co-founder and CEO of rapStudy.

The songs fit the same syllable structures and rhyme schemes as their original versions, but they are recorded to sound like the original artists. The educational content in the songs span a variety of subjects for elementary and middle school students, including social studies, math, science, geography, social and emotional learning, and English."

Read the full article from the Ithaca Journal

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