Milstein Students Contribute to Epidemiology Publication

Milstein students Gloria Cai (‘24), Keyi Ding (‘23), and Noah Watson ('23) contributed to the "(Mis)Information  on Digital Platforms" article for JMIR Publications with Cornell Professor Sarah Kreps.  


The study involved scraping 3,579,575 posts from microblogging platforms Twitter, based in the United States, and Sina Weibo, based in China.  Posts on Sina Weibo were "less likely to reference topics such as WHO, Hong Kong, and death and more likely to cite themes of resisting, fighting, and cheering against coronavirus."  However, Twitter content featured nearly 4 times more misinformation than content from Sina Weibo.  


Read the entire article on JMIR Publications.



 Launched in 2017, the Milstein Program offers a unique multidisciplinary curriculum to students in the College of Arts & Sciences, with workshops in design thinking, community engagement and technology topics.

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