Harriet Kumah

Hometown: Bronx, NY

Intended Major: Biology & Society or Computer Science

I have always had a fascination with technology, how it works, and the ability for technological innovation to improve our lives. We are fortunate enough to live in an increasingly technology-based age, some might even call it a revolution, from digital currency to self-driving cars, and I can not wait for the day where technology has an even larger part in our lives. Not only am I excited to live in this world, but I hope to have a part in creating it as well. I hope to focus on technology in the medical field specifically.

My other interests include philosophy and religious studies as it allows me to understand the complexities of people and the world, and why things are the way they are. Because of how interdisciplinary real life is, being well-rounded leads to more success and impact. Through the Milstein Program, I hope to grow to emulate the qualities of a modern “renaissance man.” I am excited to expand and apply my knowledge in my areas of interest and create something great!
