Hometown: Larchmont, NY
Majors: Biological Sciences
Activities and Societies:
Intersectionality is a huge piece of my identity – both within and outside of academics. I’m grateful to be a part of the Milstein Program, which embraces educational diversity and encourages the intersection of STEM fields with the humanities, and also engages me with a group of insightful, creative people. I’m a Biological Sciences major (and possibly Information Science) interested in the workings of biological systems, mechanisms, and biotechnology, and by extension, their societal implications through clinical/medical applications. I realized the strong influence of biology and technology on society in high school, when I interned as a research assistant and came to understand the potential impact of my project on the lives of patients. Through the Milstein Program, I hope to work on more such projects that will build my humanitarian perspective of the biomedical field, while also being able to gain skills in the technical and quantitative. Outside of school, I enjoy playing the violin, taking walks, hanging out with friends, and going to coffee shops.