Mei Knight

Hometown: Simsbury, CT

Anticipated Major: Statistical Sciences

Anticipated Minor: History

Since I was little, I have had the unique opportunity of traveling around the world. From visiting the Arctic Circle to the Galápagos Islands, I have made an effort to become more knowledgeable about different cultures and perspectives. I have the same mindset when it comes to academics. The opportunities that inspire me the most are the experiences that are interdisciplinary in nature—or in other words, require the utilization of multiple perspectives. By combining skills that I learn in different subjects, I can gain a more complete understanding of my community and the world around me, which has led me to consider a major in statistical sciences.

My extracurricular activities come from a variety of different interests. In high school, I was the president of the Cybersecurity Club, while also being involved in leadership positions in many honor societies and as a tutor for both mathematics and writing. I also played cello in the Connecticut Youth Symphony and in the pit for multiple school productions, along with crocheting and playing guitar in my free time. However, at the end of the day, my favorite pastime is simply driving down backroads with the windows down and 80s music blasting into the air.
