Milstein Internship Website

Students built upon a previously created website centered around summer internships. They redesigned the site to collect collects valuable internship information in one place – interviews
with Milsteiners about their internship experience, audio from campus panels on
internships and externship funding, and general student-to-student/cohort to cohort information about pre-
professional and research opportunities.

What is problem/resource/service is your project attempting to solve/improve/refine?

Translate into square space to allow easier editing and updating in future. Expand and organize content and interviews (transcript, key points).We plan to collect more interviews and data from Milstein upperclassmen and include them into the website. We will conduct 5 user interviews and add them all to the website. We will change the format of the website so it is more spreadsheet-like and include a filter by option. We will improve the submit an internship form and try to incentivize more upperclass to fill it out. 
