More Stories for "Voices on the Underground Railroad" project

Project Overview

How might we continue the work of previous Milstein scholars to add more stories to the Voices on the Underground Railroad site mapped to documented and rumored underground railroad stations and safe houses in Central and Western New York?

Voices of the Underground Railroad website page screen shot
Stories page on the Voices of the Underground Railroad website

The Project

Working with Prof. Gerard Aching and audio engineer, Burt Odom Reed, Cornell's broadcast studio director, this project focuses on continuing the work of past Milstein scholars to produce three more freedom seeker stories – invented by students in Cornell’s “The Underground Railroad Seminar”. The team will create graphics and edited drone footage video of the historic sites, produce three more audios stories, as well as  prepare the material and upload it to the existing website. 

graphic treatment for the Van Houten House story
Graphic created for Van Houten House story