Project Overview
Problem Statement
How might we turn the STREETOLOGY book, which compiles the stories and lived experiences of 13 civic leaders in the Ithaca area, and showcases the power of what grassroots, community-level work can do in creating systemic justice and equity, into a digital resource accessible on as website, to increase engagement with the material to a larger audience?
The Project
This project focuses on turning 4 stories from the book Streetology, into 4 digital stories and creating the Streetology website. The website pages will be co-created and designed by the team working collaboratively with partners at the History Center in Tompkins County, and deployed on the History Center's website as a first iteration of the Streetology site. The ultimate site will feature all 13 civic leaders.
The exact format this storytelling takes will be co-created, working with the civic leaders to highlight the stories in the book, and make them into compelling and creative digital pieces that will enhance the book. Additionally, the website will provide a place for more material, and will feature the book for sale. The first four stories to be produced will be Phoebe Brown, Cal Walker, Monica Arumbulo, and Jamilla Walida-Simon.